[Translate to English:] Normalerweise treffen sich die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der Summer School in einer persönlichen Atmosphäre, aber dieses Mal war die Zahl der Anmeldungen so groß, dass die Veranstaltung in ein Online-Format umgewandelt wurde.
[Translate to English:] Normalerweise treffen sich die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der Summer School in einer persönlichen Atmosphäre, aber dieses Mal war die Zahl der Anmeldungen so groß, dass die Veranstaltung in ein Online-Format umgewandelt wurde.
Created by Miriam Walther |

Over 200 participants at the fourth Summer School Computer and Geoscience in Archaeology

The fourth Summer School 'Computer and Geoscience in Archaeology' took place at HTW Dresden from 3 to 14 June 2024. This was held in conjunction with the new Master's programme of the same name, which specialises in teaching computer and geoscientific methods in archaeology.

Important training objectives are the safe handling of digital data, reliable data collection in the field and in the laboratory, data management, the acquisition and processing of 3D data, evaluation and analysis as well as media preparation and presentation. The necessary tools are taught in the faculties of Computer Science/Mathematics and Geoinformation in a broad and application-oriented manner, while many graduates of archaeological degree programmes have a great need for training and further education in this area. HTW Dresden is meeting this need with the new programme. All topics are always taught in the context of archaeological data and projects in cooperation with partners from the field of archaeology.

In view of the overwhelming number of more than 300 applications from 54 countries, the event was extended to an online course at short notice, so that more than 200 interested parties were ultimately able to take part. After a welcome from the organisers, Dr Benjamin Ducke, Head of IT at the German Archaeological Institute, gave an insight into everyday life and the reality of archaeoinformatics and emphasised the relevance of skills in this area. Britta Weber from the International Office then presented HTW Dresden and the application process for foreign students.

During the two-week event, video lectures, self-study phases and feedback sessions alternated. The following courses were part of the Summer School:

  • Introduction to Digital Archaeology (Dr. Hendrik Rohland, Gastprofessor für Archäoinformatik)
  • Foundations in Mathematics and Computer Science (PD Prof. Marco Block-Berlitz, Professor für Computergraphik; Dr. Tim Karberg, ebenfalls Gastprofessor für Archäoinformatik)
  • Remote Sensing (Prof. Dr. Martin Oczipka, Professor für Fernerkundung und digitale Bildverarbeitung; Tim Karberg)
  • 3D-Documentation (Prof. Block-Berlitz)
  • Applied and Computational Archaeo-Astronomy (Dr. Karberg)
  •  Geographic Information Systems in Archaeology (Dr. Rohland)

In the final evaluation survey, it became clear that this corresponds to the needs of many people working in archaeology. Many of the participants expressed the wish to take up such an offer if it could be reconciled with their other commitments, e.g. through distance learning and part-time programmes. It is therefore clear to the course team that, following the start of the course in the coming winter semester, the next task is to develop a high-quality distance learning and part-time programme in order to meet the increasing demand for technical and mathematical skills in archaeology.

Created by Miriam Walther |